What's the most challenging job you can think of? Something you can never imagine yourself doing? Like flying a spaceship to Mars perhaps, maybe performing open heart surgery, or how about being a Captain of a deep sea fishing boat in the middle of the ocean in all weathers for weeks at a time? Meet Jessica who does just that. She's a stylish young woman in her thirties and Captain of a boat, fishing for scallops 100 miles off the coast of Maine in the far North East corner of the US, managing a crew of five men. Listen to find out how and why she finds the strength to do it.
Pete’s story is ideal if you’re starting your career and don’t know how to get a good job, or if you’re already experienced but don’t know how to transition to something new. It’s also a great listen if you need to be inspired about resilience, determination, and the best ways to cook potatoes on a budget.
Evan’s story is perfect if you are trying to work out which path to take in life, you’re thinking about founding a tech startup but you’re worried about taking risks, or you just need an intravenous injection of pure enthusiasm (literally, nothing seems impossible when speaking with Evan!).
This episode is about searching for your passion, following your gut (literally), and trusting yourself to find a way to make it all work out. It’s perfect for you if you feel lost in your career, afraid of chasing your passions, or if you just love pizza! Warning: this episode contains a lot of pizza puns, and they are all...cheesy!
This episode is perfect if you have almost lost all hope that work can be fulfilling. This is also a story about finding your confidence again. If you are in the wrong industry, environment, or job, this story will inspire you to find your true home.
This episode is perfect for people who know what their passion is, but think it’s impossible to achieve. And for those who feel trapped in their current job and don’t know what to do to get out of it. It’s also for anyone in any job who needs some inspiration to conquer a fear.
Don’t worry, be happy! This episode is perfect if you are looking for a greater purpose in your work.
This episode is perfect for anyone struggling with career anxiety and stress, and giving yourself permission to explore different career paths without fear.
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